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July so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19564
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maker (3 entries)
squiz (2 entries)
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squiz (Stoke Factor: 6 )

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Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 2939

9th October 2011
Hiking - Walking: Forest at the Abbaye De Fontroide-France
Wind Direction:
Wind Stength:
Surf / Sea State:
Air Temperature:
Sea Temperature:
Weather: Windy and cloudy
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

No lovely sunrise this morning at Peyriac, a bit cloudy but lots of funny antic from the flamingos :) We had a leisurely start and ate breakfast outside on the mat cracking yet more walnuts. Stopped in the village and went to the Boulangerie where we enjoyed the usual Sunday banter with the locals and the lady behind the counter desperately trying to tell us the story behind the cake I had chosen – something about a dead singer who sang this particular song and she gave us a few verses too :) We met Pete and Gill and drove along the beach at Port Nouvelle to see that yes it was even windier than yesterday, gusting 58mph – wild we get this every time we come here just too much to sail :( There were three French guys out further back towards the town but it was hard work and no one else out at all so thats a good sign that conditions are too much. Decided to get away from the coast and left Pete and Gill to go to Leucate. As I had read about a calm sheltered forest up near an abbey not far away we decided to head up into the Corbiere hills behind Sigan and Peyreic. Beautiful scenery and not a car on the road, then suddenly as soon as we got to the car park for the abbey there were literally hundreds of cars! There were car park attendants, including one with ‘responsible organiser’ on his jacket, a full black ski mask (!), sitting on a quad bike, blowing a whistle! We were ushered into our space then ate our lunch watching their organisation fall to pieces! Cars everywhere it was hilarious. We were curious to know what was going on but were a bit apprehensive about setting out towards the abbey with all these people but we didn’t want to go in, only do the walks. Amazingly we walked straight through all the crowds onto a walk up to a cross on the hill above the Abbey and there were hardly any people at all :) They were all queuing (100s of French people queuing – that’s a novel concept) to get into an orchid exhibition with reduced entry into the abbey and were all leaving with carrier bags full of orchids in a howling gale – not a good idea. We found the other walk and although we did our usual and got a bit off course and walked a lot further than we should it was beautiful scenery and for most of the way sheltered from the blooming wind! Back to the van after a couple of hours and it was carnage in the car park, swirling dust, temporary fencing blown down and Mr. Ski mask, his quad bike and his whistle had completely failed in his task to keep organised! Someone had reversed into our bike rack indicator light and smashed the orange plastic cover but we didn’t discover this until later. Drove back through Narbonne and stopped at Bages to have our cake and coffee watching the flamingos doing their weird flight, running on water routine and the windsurfers on the etang, sailing out of Port Nautique where we were the other night. Back to our lovely Peyreic for tea and the night and a great meal of pork, onion and fried potatoes – delicious :) and please less wind tomorrow so I can get my boards wet!!!! Pete and Gill arrived at 8.45 after a good day in Leucate and he says he got internet access and it’s looking good for tomorrow :)

Check out photos on Facebook :) =c817137869&type=1 l=4f3333d9fa&type=1 ype=1&l=5552812a20

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